What Is Programming?

In this course, you will learn about programming in these perspective :

  • How to think about it
  • How to talk about it
  • How to do it

Programming is flexible thinking, its will different for different people. That's why you have to understand the meaning of programming so you can learn how to think like a programmer.

Computer Program

Computer program is set of instructions, sequence separate, small command, one after the other. each instructions tell computer to do something small, but very spesific. Sounds really basic, but all computer program like this. Yes, even big program like video games or music player basically are only set of simple and small instruction. How you write the instruction is programming.

The idea of programming is :

  • Building incredible complex result from combining lots of simple instructions
  • The order of these instructions is important

Programming Languanges

Programming is ability taking idea in your head, break it apart to individual pieces, and know how to write that pieces in programming language that you used. We write this pieces of instruction using statement. Statement is like sentences, using word, number, punctuation to expressing the thought. Word, number, and punctuation you wrote depend on languange you used.

Writing in C# :

using System;
class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");

Writing in JavaScript :

document.write('Hello, world!');

Writing in Python :

print "Hello, world!"

All program above will result in 'Hello Word' appear in your computer. As you can see all programming languange have their own statement to write same program. Statement consist of variety of syntax. Understanding the rule in every language is understanding syntax in programming language

Real Life Example

Imagine you cooking with recipe that will result in complex dish. To make that dish, you provided with small and simple instruction that you can followed step by step. So you make something complex from combining lot of simple instruction.

The order of recipe is important too. If you not following that step correctly, the result will different. That same concept applied in programming.

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