Creating the First Test

Back to our test controller. Now, we need to test whether the index page returns all the products or not. Let's create a new Test Method.

public void Index_Returns_All_Products_In_DB()
    // Arrange

    // Act

    // Assert

The idea is we want to create a mock of repository. Then, when we call GetAll() method, it should return two books.

// creating a mock of repository
var productRepository = Mock.Create<Repository>();

// creating a 'should return' result
Mock.Arrange(() => productRepository.GetAll()).
    Returns(new List<Product>()
        new Product { Genre = "Fiction", Id = 1, Name = "Hunger Games", Price = 200000},
        new Product { Genre = "Fiction", Id = 2, Name = "Hunger Games 2", Price = 300000}

results matching ""

    No results matching ""