BinarySearchRotated Function
The input parameters of the function are array and target value to find.
The most important thing is understand how Binary Search Rotated works.
- Get first and last index of array.
- Divided by two in the middle.
middle = (first + last) / 2;
- If the value is same as middle index, return the index.
if (input[middle] == target)
return middle;
- If the value is greater than value in middle index, these middle index assigned to be first index.
- Then, it starts again from calculating middle index.
if (input[first] <= target && target < input[middle])
last = middle - 1;
- If the value is smaller than value in middle index, these middle index assigned to be last index.
- Then, it starts again from calculating middle index.
else if (input[middle] < target && target <= input[last])
first = middle + 1;
- If no condition matched, it automatically search from middle to end.
first = middle - 1;
- It keeps looping until the target found or return -1 means no target in array.
static int binarySearchRotated(int[] input, int target)
int first = 0;
int last = input.Length - 1;
int middle = 0;
while (first <= last)
middle = (first + last) / 2;
if (input[middle] == target)
return middle;
if (input[first] <= target && target < input[middle])
last = middle - 1;
else if (input[middle] < target && target <= input[last])
first = middle + 1;
first = middle - 1;
return -1;