Creating findSmallest Function

static int findSmallest(int[] arr, int n)
    int res = 1; // Initialize result
    return res;

Let the input array be arr[0..n-1]. We initialize the result as 1 (smallest possible outcome) and traverse the given array. Let the smallest element that cannot be represented by elements at indexes from 0 to (i-1) be ‘res’, there are following two possibilities when we consider element at index i:

1) We decide that ‘res’ is the final result: If arr[i] is greater than ‘res’, then we found the gap which is ‘res’ because the elements after arr[i] are also going to be greater than ‘res’.

2) The value of ‘res’ is incremented after considering arr[i]: The value of ‘res’ is incremented by arr[i] (why? If elements from 0 to (i-1) can represent 1 to ‘res-1’, then elements from 0 to i can represent from 1 to ‘res + arr[i] – 1’ be adding ‘arr[i]’ to all subsets that represent 1 to ‘res’)

static int findSmallest(int[] arr, int n)
    int res = 1; // Initialize result

    // Traverse the array and increment 'res' if arr[i] is
    // smaller than or equal to 'res'.
    for (int i = 0; i < n && arr[i] <= res; i++)
        res = res + arr[i];

    return res;

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