There is an interesting and compelling features to their users while handling large volumes of web traffic called ASP.NET MVC.

ASP.NET MVC is open source web framework from Microsoft.

Let's look on how website works?

  1. Every website or web application has two key participants, client and server.
  2. Rules to make a connection between client and server called HTTP.
  3. On client, we use HTML, CSS, JS (front-end web development).
  4. On server, it has many options, Java, Python, PHP, JS, C#.
  5. We use C#. Therefore, we'll use ASP.NET MVC, framework of .NET.
  6. ASP.NET comes in several flavors including web forms, web pages, or MVC.
  7. MVC could be considered as design pattern. It is used in a wide variety of server side frameworks.
  8. MVC stands for Model-View-Controller.
    1. Model represents the data in your website.
    2. View is the visual part.
    3. Controller is the coordinator.
  9. When user browse to a specific page in our website, the controller is responsible for coordinating what specific action needed to be performed to return a response for users' request.


  1. server-side web framework that utilize MVC design pattern.
  2. Process HTTP request and prepare responses containing HTML, CSS, JS for rendering in browser.

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