Improving our Layout

Designer team notify us there are some changes in layout view. So, they give us a new mockup, download here:

Copy those code to our View class. Then, convert the code like we used earlier.


<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <div class="well">
            <h5><label>Series Title:</label> @Model.SeriesTitle</h5>
            <h5><label>Issue #:</label> @Model.IssueNumber</h5>
            <h5><label>Favorite:</label> @Model.Favorite</h5>

Try to run the project. Look at favorite tag, we want to show either Yes or No. The idea is using conditional statement.

<h5><label>Favorite:</label> @(Model.Favorite ? "Yes" : "No") </h5>

Finally, our code should look like this.

<div class="col-md-6">
    <div class="well">
        <h5><label>Series Title:</label> @Model.SeriesTitle</h5>
        <h5><label>Issue #:</label> @Model.IssueNumber</h5>
        <h5><label>Favorite:</label> @(Model.Favorite ? "Yes" : "No")</h5>
        @if (Model.Artists.Length > 0)
                    @foreach (var artist in Model.Artists)
                        <li>@artist.Role : @artist.Name</li>

Don't forget with Image div tag.

<div class="col-md-6">
    <img src="/Images/@Model.CoverImageFileName"
         alt="@Model.DisplayText" class="img-responsive" />

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