Reviewing Project Files

Let's take a quick look at Controller class.

  1. In line 14, it means the class will need a data from EntriesRepository class.
  2. In line 16, this is a constructor of Controller class that will initialize EntriesRepository when the class being created.
  3. In line 21, there is an Index() method for our list page, to Read the data.
  4. There are some functions to Add, Edit and Delete. Edit and Delete could receive an input parameter as null value.

Now, Model class.

  1. We have 2 model classes, Activity and Entry.
  2. Activity model contains a constructor, two attributes and list of activities.
  3. Entry model has those templates too.

Now, Data class.

  1. Data class has two repository, one for Activities and another for Entries.
  2. Activities repository class only contains one function, GetActivities().
  3. In order to maintain the entries from user, Entries Repository class has more function.
  4. Last, data class stores some local data that waiting to be processed when the project runs.

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