
When we save data from in memory objects to another format that can be retrieved later called serialization. Conversely, the process of loading serialized data is deserialization.

Technically, when we read the football game result from CSV file, we deserialized it into objects in our program. Common formats we use in .NET for serialization are JSON and XML.

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, derived from JavaScript language.

  1. Download JSON files here:
  2. Back to our project. Add to our project and don't forget to change the copy if newer.
  3. Create new class named Player.
  4. Copy all the JSON item.
  5. Delete our "class" > Edit > Paste JSON as class.
  6. Change "Class1" name to "Player" name.
  7. Change "Property" to "Player" as well.
  8. Change "Rootobject" to "RootObject".

results matching ""

    No results matching ""