Project Depedencies

Let's create a new project and named it with JsonToDb.

  1. Check on "References" in solution explore folder.
  2. Click on the item and check the properties.
  3. Change the build configureation from "Debug" to "Release" on top navigation bar. To make sure that it's only building what's needed to run this program on another computer.
  4. Build the project.
  5. Right-click on the project folder > Open Folder in File Explorer.
  6. Bin > Release. The .exe files is what we needed actually.
  7. Back to Visual Studio. View > Object Browser.
  8. Click on triangle bar and it list all depedencies that we used in this project.
  9. Actually, we can delete all of the references except "Analyzer"
  10. And our application could still runs properly.
  11. They are the basic references that we need to run our project.

You can do a lot with Ms core library. Inevitably, you want to leverage some libraries that don't come with pre-installed with .NET. That's where NuGet comes in our project.

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