Project Depedencies
Let's create a new project and named it with JsonToDb.
- Check on "References" in solution explore folder.
- Click on the item and check the properties.
- Change the build configureation from "Debug" to "Release" on top navigation bar. To make sure that it's only building what's needed to run this program on another computer.
- Build the project.
- Right-click on the project folder > Open Folder in File Explorer.
- Bin > Release. The .exe files is what we needed actually.
- Back to Visual Studio. View > Object Browser.
- Click on triangle bar and it list all depedencies that we used in this project.
- Actually, we can delete all of the references except "Analyzer"
- And our application could still runs properly.
- They are the basic references that we need to run our project.
You can do a lot with Ms core library. Inevitably, you want to leverage some libraries that don't come with pre-installed with .NET. That's where NuGet comes in our project.