Top Ten Players

Let's make a method that will calculate the top ten players by points per game and return them in a list.

public static List<Player> GetTopTenPlayers(List<Player> players)

To compare players by their points per game, we could create another class to compare the items.

Create new class named PlayerComparer.

public class PlayerComparer : IComparer<Player>


We will see a red underline. Just right-click > Quick Actions and Refractoring. And here they are.

public class PlayerComparer : IComparer<Player>
    public int Compare(Player x, Player y)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Now, we want to compare point per game of player x and player y. We could just type.

public class PlayerComparer : IComparer<Player>
    public int Compare(Player x, Player y)
        return x.PointsPerGame.CompareTo(y.PointsPerGame);

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