Method Syntax

Let's learn about method syntax.

In previous code, we learn about query syntax as shown code below.

from b in birds where b.Color == "Red" select b

Method syntax reduces our codes to look like this.

birds.Where(b => b.Color == "Red");

In grouping and orderby syntax.

// Query Syntax
from b in birds orderby b.Color select b.Name

// Method Syntax
birds.OrderBy(b => b.Color);
birds.OrderyByDescending(b => b.Color);

Other properties in method syntax.

birds.Where(b => b.Color==”red”).OrderBy(b =>;
// ordering birds by Name

birds.OrderBy(b => => b.sightings);
// ordering birds by name and sightings

birds.Select(b => new { b.Name, B.Color});
// selecting the birds

You are free to choose between query syntax and method syntax. But, it is good to be comfortable in both syntax.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""